Why we're here...
"The arts are a challenging and under-appreciated field. However, I believe very deeply in the importance of creative work for individuals/communities and for social change. We need more art in the world - not merely for entertainment, but for the well-being of our communities, to reconnect to the self, and to foster a more universal and inclusive language. Being an artist is a constant risk, but one that is well worth the moments of inspiration that allow us to create, perform, share, teach and inspire."
-- Ruth McConnell, owner
All music played in the studio by the studio is licensed via
All studio poles are seamless,
IPSF-certified, competition-grade
The Poles:
11 spaced nine to ten feet apart
10 students max, per class
up to 22 guests for private events
Both static AND spinning options
Completely seamless for comfort
Competition-grade brass for the best grip
The Studio:
Second-floor venue for privacy
Plentiful parking for all classes and events
More (and larger) bathrooms available
Seating for 40 with an additional 18 chairs
Low-hung mirrors to see your floorwork
Luxury flooring with extra underlayment for comfort